Monday, March 8, 2010

Mrs. Terranova's Class Books

Today Mrs. Terranova's class will tell you about some books they are reading as well as other things they are learning about in class.


  1. dear friends,
    my class is reading about Dr.seuss.we did a timeline on favorite book is the cat in the hat.we are lirning about fractions.

  2. Dear Freiends,
    My favorite book is Mcelagets pool by Dr.seuss.
    In math we are learning about fractions.We did a timeline on Dr.seuss.In social studies we just finished a pilgrim poster we worked in teams.

  3. My favorete book is funny lunch

  4. Dear friend,
    My favorite book is Chrissa.

  5. Dear feinds,
    my favorite book is the foot book.I love
    Dr.seuss.He is my favorite awther.
    His real name is theadoor. his first book
    poblished was and to think that i saw it on
    moulbery street. He is pobily one of
    the mmost famoss poeple in Amrica.
    Wair also doing frations.

  6. dear friends my favoritebook is dear polar bear

  7. Dear Friends,
    My favorite book is Goosebumps. Theyare by R.L.Stine they are scary.
    In school we are leaning about fractions.
    In math we are leaning division.
    In science we are leaning about the solar system.

  8. Dear frinds,
    My favorite book is THE CAT IN THE HAT by
    Dr.seuss.Because it ryhms.

  9. Dear frend,
    The book I,m reading is the boy who lost the tooth. It is a good book.

  10. Dear friends,
    My favorite book is ''AIR FORCE''.
    I like it becaus it's abaout airplans.

  11. dear frend ,
    My favrit book is the cat in the hat book is write by docder suss.We are lrning ubut fracris

  12. Dear friends,
    My favorite book is The cat in the hat comes back. I like it the cat eats a cake in the tub.

  13. Dear friends,
    My favorite book is the tale of Squrrel Nutkin. Because Nutkin is so greedy and got in trouble with an owl. But Tiwinky Berry is all aways gives the owl treats but Nutkin was greedy.
    I am learning about fractions.
    In math we are learning about division.
    In social studies about wapanoags.
    In science we are learing solar system.

  14. Dear frends,
    My farit book is The FootBook By doter suss I like it becuse it si all abut feet and foots and it feel like ure in the book and it feel like its real. I like feet becuse they help you walk and you need them becse they are vareygood for you.
